Strokefocus started in 2014 by a group of survivors determined to change the stroke care. 

With over 30 stroke and other TBI support groups in Southern California, the team found that lack of technology support has kept many organizations from providing the most needed support to the stroke and TBI community.

However, these organizations persevered despite lack of resources. Their commitment to the stroke and other TBI communities and trust earned through years of service are the most valuable assets to future stroke care.

Strokefocus project was launched to develop high quality technology solutions specifically for these organizations. And it continues to do just exactly that.

Below are examples of solutions launched by Strokefocus, a team driven by the local support organizations in technology designs:

  1. Strokefocus site
  2. Northwest Brain Network
  3. Southeast Brain Network
  4. Brain Exchange Program
  5. Podcasts: Hand in Hand Show and Brain Engagers


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